Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Why?! Oh Why?

Why do some people feel the need to antagonize each other? Insult each other? Ultimately, ruin each others day!
It is a fact...there are just some people that no matter what...they start off on the wrong foot, don't get along, and or don't see eye to eye...ever! They don't mesh well. So the question remains! Why?
If you get so annoyed by someone's presence, why continue to go around them?
If you don't like what someone says, why continue to ask them questions that require a response?
If you don't like the way someone acts, why invite them around?
If you don't like the way someone salutes you, why continue speaking to them?
If you don't like the service, why continue to patronize the establishment?
If you don't like the gifts you receive, why continue exchanging?
I could go on big the fact question remains. Why?! Stop setting yourself up for failure. Ultimately, whether you admit it or not, you're just hurting yourself. Whether it be your feelings, or ego, or just plain old dignity. Stop doing things you don't like is my point! It's not worth it in the end. ....or perhaps it's just you! Imagine that?!
(insert wicked laugh here)

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