Tuesday, February 19, 2013

...that old thang back

Each and every Sunday I'll log onto Facebook to find a flowing water fall of judgment and self-righteousness on my timeline. Imagine that! Sunday!
Doesn't the old song say, "If it hadn't been for the Lord, where would I be?"

Most of the posts are merely wrong interpretations, opinions, and so-called "truths" to get people to change their "wicked ways"

The majority of these "truth-givers" don't care to back up the unsound doctrine with scripture and if questioned by truth-seekers get defensive, shut-down, log-off or just simply delete the questioners from their page and overall life.
Don't they know you catch more flies with honey than vinegar?! Don't they realize they've inadvertently begun to hold bible study for those that will seek TRUTH?
Instead; because they aren't truly taught and are seemingly, just merely going off of what Big Mama said, or Aunt Faye said, or what Cousin Tee Tee told them, or Ma' In-Law said; they don't have a clue as to how to defend the word of God or in this case: their opinion!
Yes defend, because on the day of the Lord's return there will be a war, the battle Yolanda Adams sang is not ours but the Lords.

I say all this to say: can't we just go back to that old thang?!
Let's go back to simpler times when Facebook was simply about: Where are you? (and it meant physically)

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