Saturday, February 23, 2013

Past is PAST

It never ceases to amaze me how quite often people choose to remain in the past. Some might argue past could be 15 minutes ago and they would be accurate, however I'm speaking of more or less like five plus years in the past!

If you've had a relationship with someone in middle school, high school, or college and you're forty-plus years old...why are you still feeling some kind of way about that past relationship? That person? The times you did Or didn't share? I've even heard ludicrous instances where someone is still holding on to school-yard feelings they had for someone in the 2nd grade! Really?! (side-eye here) Get OVER it! In the words of one of my closest friends...You too old for that! (not you're, but YOU) Lol
The most beguiling part of my amazement to those that remain in the past is the mere fact that: People will actually try and use those PAST facts to deter you or sabotage any inkling they hear of a chance for you to enter into a new relationship, or just the mere thought of your happiness.
There are instances, in relationships, where a significant other could have possibly had a legitimate full-fledge relationship with someone else. Could have, by all rights and definition been serious...eight years PRIOR or hell, let's say as short as six months PRIOR; and someone is still holding on to texts, letters, voicemails, and sweet "totally" nothing shared in your ear! Really?! Get over it! Move around! The relationship is OVER or, quite frankly; you'd be together. I'm just saying!
It goes the same for past grudges! I've had to overcome this vice myself. Get OVER it! Put that energy to good use! Don't hang on to things that are in the past, those things that do not adversely affect you in this moment are not of importance! Everyone else has moved on and you're still replaying a conversation from 12 years ago over and over again. Reliving highlights. Getting mad all over again. Feeling hurt all over again. Frustrated all over again. Get OVER it! No one cares! You're stifling your very own growth! Get PAST it! Get out of your own way!

I'm trying to help somebody!

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