Monday, February 25, 2013

Run for the Hills!

There are always signs given when things just aren't quite right when it comes to relationships! We all know it. Most women, with even a smidgen of wisdom, can feel it; but it's up to us if we're confident, strong, and independent of loneliness enough to actually run for the hills when the opportunity presents itself!
Signs! Oy vey!
I've seen and been privy to MANY signs throughout my dating experiences. Some might argue that's why I'm single. Others would say I don't allow wiggle room for mistakes! A few may say I'm destined for a life of singledom and unless I remove the rigidness I'll forever be single.
Le sigh! So be it! In due time truth prevails and a persons real intentions and true feelings for a person dictate a righteous relationship.
Of course no relationship is void of troubles and stumbles or trip ups, and I certainly wouldn't place any stock into that notion but my goodness; some shouldn't have to be a glutton for punishment to!
In hearing stories of my other friends' single adventures; I know it's not indicative of anyone personally; it's just the litter of the pick!
Lol! Here are some examples when you should- like it or not- run for the hills because it won't get better! When a person is ready to be true to you: they WILL! Plain and simple!

1. When a person never wants to take pictures and the excuse is, "I don't do pictures." <- Run for the hills!
} Why not?! Either because they have a "single" or "unattached" lifestyle they need to maintain in order to get what they get, do what they do, or see who they see, OR they're ashamed to be with you! Neither is a good alternative to a simple picture. I've literally seen instances where they'll take pictures alright, but they're so hidden in the background or behind you that you're thinking, Where's Waldo? The other time they will actually "take" pictures is if it's only them in a picture alone, or they're taking pictures with others, but NOT alone with you. You reflect on the night thinking..."Did I go alone? Who was I with?"

2. When a person WAS married or in a relationship and just like magic; Wah La: they're not! <- Run for the hills!
} They are a lie and the truth is not in them! Especially the married ones! You ask the simple question, "What happened?" and they say, "Long story! I'll tell you about it. We can go to ________ (insert dinner or anything here that they've been trying to get you to in the past) and I'll tell you the whole story."
Now; why is a story needing to be told? Just answer a simple question with an as equivalent simple answer! They can't do that so, you can't listen to their explanation!

3. You can't go to their house. <- Run for the hills!
} Huh?! If you're dating someone why couldn't going to their house, if even for a minute to meet up before going to the next location, be an option. Something is Wrong! I'm not saying what...just know you need to run for the hills!

4. Talking about an ex with admiration or constantly comparing things you do, times you share, etc to that of the I even need to say <- Run for the hills!
No one is saying speak ill of an ex, never that. But why would a person feel it ever necessary to consistently bring up an ex in casual conversation. It's highly inappropriate and could only mean they're on the rebound, or not fully out of the relationship. It's just weird!

5. They like boys! Egad! <-- Run for the hills! Really enough said but for those that still don't get it: if you know a person is unequivocally a homosexual and at one time you and said person have pined over the same feller! Uh! I'm sorry but you should have never opened that can of worms by falling for them in the first place!

Five is enough! I'm depleted of the idiotic things people do that should cause you to RUN for the hills! Don't just walk, RUN and don't look back! Take it from me!

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