Saturday, February 23, 2013

Insecurity Reeks!

There is almost nothing worse than an insecure person...that is, of course, an insecure person that has been rejected -_-
Insecurity has a funky stench that you can smell from miles away. There are those that have personal insecurities that cause them to settle for playing the position the coach assigned them because they're too afraid to play hard or give it all they've got in order to try-out for the position they really want or the needy attention that can only come from acceptance from others and of you don't feel accepted you're not confident or comfortable!
Another case of insecurities could be you feeling as if your forehead is too big and doesn't fit your face, so you wear hats or my ladies keep bangs.
There are more subtle insecurities that force ladies to wear caked up make-up on their already overly-blemished face, or cause guys to leave lines on their foreheads from the use of a doo-rag or spend X amount of dollars to have the "perfect" lay-down, brushed hair.
A more obvious insecurity is pretending to be someone you're not, misleading others through your actions and comments. My personal favorite is being a walking billboard for yourself and any thing you've even slightly accomplished. There's no harm in being proud of your accomplishments but when a person asks your name and you conclude with your resume and an "important" list of supporting actors in the story of your're doing too much!
The most common insecurities are those expressed outwardly by means of weaves, acrylics, false bank statements, over-priced accessories and luxuries.
But through all of those examples; I must say the funkiest insecurities are those of a rejected person. Be it male or female.
An insecure person that gets rejected from a job or position smells of sour milk-
The company, human resources, and anyone in the position or job they want sucks! Lol! At least that's what they feel. Instead of working on themselves and looking within themselves or even looking at the other person in the position as a place-marker to do better they insult everything and anyone that's making it happen! Insecure! Do better! That's the bottom line, don't be salty when things don't work out. Use your setbacks as a setup for a comeback plain and simple!

An insecure person that gets rejected from another person. My Goodness! That insecurity smells like four day old burning shit! It takes your breath away and causes your gag reflexes to lock up and chock you. Your eyes water and stomach churns-
A woman that gets rejected from the man she wants (and Lord...don't let him be interested in someone else and is actually "foolish" enough to admit that) her words become venomous! And not against the man but against the woman he's interested in. "She's ugly, she's knock-kneed and she walks with a dip, I'm not hating but everybody says she needs to work on her thighs because they rub together..." <---Hating at it's finest! Lol
I could go on with the insults, but you get the picture! The woman is scorned, hurt and mad that the man doesn't want her so she's taken the lady you're interested in down with her!
The man that gets rejected from the woman-
Does the same thing, or my personal favorite: attacks the rejector. "You're a dumb-ass, you won't get no better than me..." I could go on but I suggest you should've hung up the phone or walked away a long time ago. Lol
Last bottom line: Insecurity reeks!

Know that! xoxo

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