Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Why Episode #4

I'm not understanding that when I actually attempt to do something well, it doesn't work out, but when I have no true concern then it does! What happened to the laws of attraction as it relates to me? 
Case in point: 
My class quiz is timed and online. They are to be completed by the end of the week. For the past two weeks I waited until the last minute. Part of it procrastination the other part...no valid reason except that I waited because I'm a procrastinator.
I did just okay on the quizzes. The first one I scored a low B and the second one I scored an A! I figured I was getting the hang of procedure and format of the test so for this third one I decided to not stres myself our or raise my anxiety and complete it at the beginning of the week WAY ahead of time. 
I totally just bombed the damn test. Why? 
What in the world just happened? I was prepared and able to take my time AND I wasn't going crazy, moving fast trying to race against the timer before the test could be counted invalid. 
Go figure...that's just my luck, I tell you. 

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