Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Ladies Beware!

Allow a man to be a gentleman! Stop degrading and allow these men to:
•Approach you
•Compliment you
•Take you out
•Open your door
•Call you first
•Send you flowers or other small tokens of appreciation
•Tell the world about you
•Hold your hand

It's not "thirst". It's called dating! It's called taking an active interest in someone. In some places, it's even called basic common decency. (Clears throat) That place would be my mouth! Even within a relationship, if you've found a gentleman, you'll still be fortunate enough to date your significant other every chance you get.
Beware, however, to remain a lady! Be a gracious recipient. Use the wonderful phrases like, please and thank you. You'd be surprised at the amount of gentleman that aren't used to hearing those things. It's foreign to them, and sometimes uncomfortable if heard because they're obviously not used to dating ladies.
I'm dating someone that feels obligated to be a gentleman and thinks it strange that I would ever say, "Thank you for a perfect evening." While I understand the thought-process of feeling obligated, or I should say, thinking: I'm offering to take you out so it'll be a good evening and you don't have to thank me for that ...wait! Scratch that! I don't understand that thought-process! Nevermind. I'll continue to say please and thank you and he'll continue to be baffled at my politeness. We aim to change the "game" one "player" at a time...joke (slightly) 
But seriously: allow men to be gentlemen and women, remain ladies! Chivalry is not dead...well...at least it's not buried, so it can still be revived! Stop calling men thirsty for wanting to show interest in you and attempting to spend time with you. If no one was doing it; you'd call it a drought! That's exactly where you'll end up if you continue with this nonsense talk of thirst. These men are truly damned if they do, and damned if they don't with y'all LOL
I saw that post on Instagram and thought it spoke volumes!

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