Monday, March 3, 2014

Friends With Ex's

I've never ended on bad terms in the slightest with any of my Ex's. Ex-friends, co-workers, boyfriends. When it comes to a boyfriend, in fact; we ended still being there for each other through some pretty tough and emotional times. We love each other, care for each other, and will always have a certain level of respect with each other!  Any past relationship or not so relationship I've had, ever ends badly, or with any ill-will or bitterness towards each other.  Why would it?
With all of that being said: we not about to be meeting for lunch or dinner, chatting it up on the phone catching up, or self-imposing ourselves into each other's new relationships.

If we're not together.  We have moved on. Plain and simple.  I personally don't feel the need to communicate daily, or even weekly to keep in touch.  Isn't that what social media is for?  It's un-evasive and you can "keep up with" each other that way.  Through social media you can see the highs and lows of a person's life.  You'll see the moments they care to share and are willing to share.  If you want to reach out through, "liking" a photo or status, "re-tweeting" something, or "favoring" it.  That's fine.  All that other foolishness is unnecessary and inappropriate. 

That's about as friendly as we need to be. Keeping it copacetic.

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