Monday, December 26, 2011


I'm thinking you had to have had a mediocre to rough childhood and possibly having a foul current adult-life if you constantly feel the need to boast that you're "deleting" friends, followers or contacts!
My opinion: this world wide web has given us such great access to information and even greater ability to act a fool, if willing!
It's one thing to make a blanket statement about things you may or may not view on the Internet or within your parameters of the plethora of social media sites there are, but come on; who really cares if you're Not a friend?!
To publish that statement is simply childish! It's not like someone will lose sleep over the loss of your friendship! Ugh, I take that back, because one of the ten year olds I teach just might feel lost!!
On the flip side, why would you be upset if you lose a said friendship? People act a fool with each other every day. Whether faking and shaking in each others face, or letting you know...and everyone around you, just how much disdain they have for you! So be it! Stop wasting time and energy on having a thousand friends or focusing on if someone likes you or not. For those that feel like the click of your mouse gives you POWER...a power you've never had before, and I might add; a short-lived and pathetic power...carry-on!

I'll leave you with two things:
1. My Khrystian Tidbit:
Sometimes you have to cut people OFF and you don't owe them an explanation! They're weeds in your flourishing garden.

2. Notice the CORRECT use of lose, loss, lost! Each one, teach one!

Good day!

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