Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Don't Sleep!

Dont wait on opportunities to fall in your lap like the plot of some happy-ending fairy tale! MAKE opportunities in your life! Stop waiting for them to happen! Instead of reading about it, BE about it! If you want that new job. Apply! If you stare at the same pair of boots in Neiman's window. Buy them! If you been scheming on that guy for the last decade, now that he's single. Date him! You're tired of your drab wardrobe. Toss them! Stop hanging pictures of Rihanna's ever changing hairstyle up on your bathroom wall. Cut it! You want more followers on twitter. Invite them! But by Golly George; stop waiting! God is not our personal genie! You got to work for what u want! As the Good Book says, "Faith without works is dead," so here's a bit of positive energy to start you on your way ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Good luck

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