Friday, May 22, 2020

Savage or Salvage

In other news this pandemic has been life altering and downright savage but through the fire, smoke and ashes comes some sense of renewed strength. Thinking of how schools are ending, I’m enjoying the virtual graduations, end of the year award programs, and fair well videos. This should be kept up. In my 15ish years of education this is the first time I have been able to attend a graduation of my past students and it was delightful! 
Not saying stop traditional forms of entertainment and recognition but the renewal or revamping of it is most definitely required and deserved. It’s another form of historical reference leaving a digital footprint for memories and years to follow. Families are spending more time together and redesigning what home entertainment looks like. Health and wellness have been more traditionalized from those that at one time couldn’t find the time to get exercise or good eating in.  I’ve been seeing some good things come from this wretched pandemic so I hope it sticks as we move forward with rebuilding, rebranding, reenergizing our economy and lifestyles.

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