Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Rule of Thumb

Don't make promises you can't deliver or have no intention of delivering. I was raised in a home where we were taught: your word is your bond! 
So if you say it mean it! Practice, not only saying what's right, but; doing what's right! Integrity is important. When all material possessions are taken away, and all the "things" you worked toward or built are destroyed the one and only thing you have left is your word...your word and your faith! No one, not one person can strip you of that! 
Ironically, and so beautifully prophetic is the immutable fact that Jesus is the Word! So in essence you're not only keeping the "words" that come from your mouth, you're also keeping Jesus with you at all times! 
Isn't that amazing?! That's cause for a praise break, right?!
On the realistic side...if you're not keeping your word, if you have no real meaning or truth behind your words, if you deny your words after they're spoken, if you don't maintain your words...you are not keeping Jesus!
At the start of this blog I had no idea that revelation was going to be written, and definitely not spoken! Interesting...the power of words...

*Aside* I just love the phrase "immutable fact" ever since Angela Bassett said it on the film Jumping the Broom! If you hadn't seen it yet...you're late...Lol!


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