Monday, October 1, 2012

Don't be bitter, BE BETTER!

Blaming bad decisions YOU make on the fact that you have KIDS is a pure and total cop out!
Understand that decisions you make DO in fact affect your children, but to blame staying in an unhealthy situation a product of "your kids" best interest is bullsh!t! That's a CHOICE you make because, for a lack of better words, you're scared! Terrified, petrified, and downright afraid of making the choice to CHANGE your situation!
Of course it's hard out's HARD just to live, now a days! Taking care of yourself is overwhelming let alone other helpless, innocent mouths to feed! It's rough and that's no lie! I mean seriously; people are taking their own lives in rates unprecedented. Depression, obesity, anxiety, pill popping; I mean really...must I go on?!
Of course it's HARD! Life decisions, life altering decisions at that...yes they are hard because no one truly wants to make mistakes! You don't wake up in the morning and say, "I wonder how many mistakes I can make today? I only made three yesterday; I should go for four today!" Only a hallelujah fool would say that!
But IF and/or when you do make mistakes, pick up and LEARN to make better choices!
It's really as simple as that! Is it easy?! No! Hardly ever! Is it worth it?! Absolutely!! Do some choices scare us? Sure! Can we get comfortable in our on small-minded comparisons that we don't always see the big picture God has for us! Without a doubt!
But please, please, please STOP blaming (justifying) your bad life choices and decisions on the stupid phrase, "It's not easy when you have kids!" You just sound bitter...mad at the world, and almost as of you resent your kids! You make the choice to be in the situations you're in! Kids are innocent! They are sponges and EVERYTHING you do, or don't do affects them!
Don't be bitter, be BETTER! Choose to make wiser choices!


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