Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sometimes all you'd like is the person that wronged you to ACKNOWLEDGE that they've hurt or upset you. You can't control other people and their actions or reactions so there's no need on asking for acknowledgment, an apology or even a change, but life would be so much smoother if everyone treated each other as they want to be treated.
The dictionary defines acknowledgement as a noun in five forms:
1. The act of admitting or owning to something.
2. Recognition of another's existence, validity, authority, or right.
3. An answer or response in return for something done.
4. An expression of thanks or a token of appreciation.
5. A formal declaration made to authoritative witnesses to ensure legal validity.

Most times ALL it takes is recognizing someone's hurt, pain or feelings. Even if you are hell-bent on thinking or knowing you've done absolutely nothing wrong, you can't control how you make another person FEEL...simply acknowledge their feelings and move on.
Now; there are some people that hold grudges and harbor resentment forever no matter what you say or do and that's their headache. At least you've done your part in acknowledging how you may have made them feel and explaining your intent. You can sleep well at night!
Let it go already!

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