Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Meet Part Deux

Back awhile ago I set up a list of specific places and ideas on "Hot Spots" and more importantly WHERE to meet men. *NOTE* Where to MEET men, not FIND them! The key is to make yourself accessible, not hunt for any man! Know this*
There are, as always; many tried, tested and true places that could be as lucky for you as they have been for me! Remember; there is NO perfect place or ideal situation! Just go out and be approachable, saavy, smart, laugh, live and enjoy love coming to you! It's not complicated it just takes time! As promised; here are some additional hot spots to meet-

#6 Weddings
WHY- Love is already in the air...the water, champaign, the ambiance....so why not bask within it?! You're dressed up and looking great, they are too. Enjoy the moment!
HOW- Get there! Just because you don't officially have a plus one doesn't mean you should decline! He's probably there!!! He could be the wedding singer (clears throat) or the groomsmen, or a fraternity brother, or a relative of the family member...okay! You get the point! Mingle, dance, laugh, smile, get introduced to unfamiliar, unattached faces!

#7 The Gym
WHY- Everyone is into fitness! At least you know he takes pride in his appearance and health and he'll motivate you to do the same!
HOW- Get off your lazy tush and go! Put in your little cute workout gear, pin your hair up, add a little mascara and lip gloss (PLEASE! For the love of all things Chanel; do NOT go into that gym with a full face of makeup!!!) Pop a squat, do some reps, even take a class. If he likes what he sees he'll come over! You two can turn into workout buddies and better yet; life-long mates!

#8 On Vacation
WHY- If you love to travel, you found someone else that does too! There's no stress, no worries, and no real responsibilities! Get to know each other on a fun, friendly and flirty level first!
HOW- You're looking and acting like a barrel of fun...that positive energy WILL attract a positive person! Share a drink in the lobby of the hotel, meet for breakfast or lunch (AGAIN...MEET! Not wake up to breakfast! Remember you are a L.A.D.Y!) hang out on the beach together, your group and his group meet at a party or club together that way no one feels committed! Afterwards; stay connected through exchanging numbers, email, or other social media!

#9 Workshops
WHY- Any type of professional development broadens your horizons and elevates you to new levels! If you're stagnant professionally, you'll be stagnant in life and most definitely in dating!
HOW- Sign-up! Network! You already have something in common, now all you have to do is build! And that's what all relationships are about anyway...building! Sit at the table with those attractive men, be open, discuss...nothing too deep, but certainly don't be a wall flower!

#10 Gas Station
WHY- Funny right?! But EVERYONE needs gas, so everyone goes there! If you're filling up, you'll probably be there for awhile and that's just enough time to *spark* or not! And if he offers to pump it for you AND fill you up...he's a KEEPER! LOL just kidding...a little! (wink)
HOW- Duh! Get the gas...they will come!

Happy Meeting!

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