Saturday, January 21, 2012

New year check!

How's 2012 working out for you so far?! It's time to self-check! Are you keeping your plans, making new ones, revamping old ones??? How about have you fallen short, or gotten discouraged??
Don't count ANYTHING out!
Still looking for love? I know a plethora of people that last year, heck even six months ago, they were wishing death to love, and now they're either married, planning a wedding, pregnant, or a combination of both!
Still tired of your job?! It's never to late to spruce up that resume and get to hunting for the NEXT best thing! I know people that three months ago were ready to walk out on what they felt was a dead-end job and NOW they couldn't be happier with their career!
Sick and tired of being sick and tired?! Well! Get well and get Amped! This is YOUR moment! Your moment to live, make it happen or change your thoughts!
It takes work, it takes dedication, and it most definitely takes active initiation and YOU can get it done!! Once you purposely change your thoughts, you live out your purpose! (and that's a Khrystian Tid-bit)
Let's live out loud!

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