Sunday, November 1, 2020

Halloween 2020

 This year...with COVID-19 as we all around the globe know,  was a totally different experience. Pictures and videos remain the ultimate way to capture memories and moments however; out of the three years I’ve been a mom; I’ve never had my daughter trick or treating.

1st year she dressed up twice (day as Minnie Mouse, night as a pelican) We went to two houses,  my mom and best friend to “trick or treat” and before that she “handed out candy” from our house in her costume 😂 

2nd year her dad works a Hallelujah festival and we dressed up and went there 👍🏾

Year 3 amidst the pandemic I decide to trick or treat! I know: me...friends and family are gasping because since March after I returned from Puerto Vallarta I have been no where around people with the exception of grocery stores for essentials, doctors appointments, and finally the hospital! 

My daughter had been talking about Halloween, ghosts, zombies, costumes, and the like since the summer 🙄🤦🏾‍♀️ Before her brother came, she’d already planned out her costume as Moana and he’d be Hei Hei her Rooster friend. It was a must that she dressed up.  I’d bought the costumes late August. Then her grandparents being the, I mean, spoilers, er...let’s just say; loving grandparents they are went ALL in the week before Halloween and took her to four or five different Halloween stores to tour, ended up buying a second costume, along with scary animatronics to further enhance her insatiable Halloween frenzy for their house. 

All of October my doll was fixated on visiting these 3 scary yards that were in my parents neighborhood, then by Halloween my parents had created a scary porch from their animatronics and spider webs! My original plan was to dress my Littles ups, create and decorate a Jekyll and Hyde chocolate cookie house, watch spooky cartoon movies, invite one COVID free cousin over, and have a slumber party in front of the fireplace! 

I could extinguish her excitement for Halloween! I wanted her to be able to few the scary yards, my parents porch and just have a great time! Memories are fleeting remember...

So we got in costume, took a plethora of pictures from Friday until the end of Halloween night, Not to mention; watched FreeForm each day the month of October so she could see some of the movies I watched in childhood like Ghostbusters, Hocus Pocus and The Witches, then Saturday went with masks on and flashes ready to safely social distance trick or treat! After we finished around 8ish we sat and watch her Big Daddy pass out candy and scare the neighborhood families coming up to the door! It was such FUN! 

I took away a new and improved way to celebrate Halloween in the future and some pretty neat decorating tips to build in spirit! 

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