Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Black Lives Matter

Everyone loves to trample on the real meaning of the Black Lives Matter movement! I don’t have the indignation to further clarify, explain, or help YOU understand what Black Lives Matter means, stands for, or drives because it’s a ridiculous notion, in my opinion, to go in to detail. Hence my previous blog post, “Why Try..”
Ignorant people do, however, go to great lengths to minimize or trivialize Black lives. Thank you Rithka Ayers, MS, PHR for this

post on LinkedIn. It truly brings perspective into the unkind and ignorant behavioral rants of some Americans. Below is a rant for all lives matter and attempting to smear Amazon for their support of Black Lives Matter. 

*Remember* If Black lives don’t matter, All lives can’t matter!

Update from Baller Alert

Continue to SUPPORT Amazon! Thank you Jeff Bezos for remaining human 

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