Friday, March 4, 2016

Left in the Dust

Some people aren't good leaders! They may be informative and have knowledge of topics but their characteristics are that of piss-poor leaders! In fact; if they hold one knows the agenda and they're asking questions of the attendees because the meetings are like socials where everyone comes to talk but the likelihood of anything being accomplished is slim to none. Because of these factors you're left in the dust! Bitter, bruised, and criticizing the qualified persons hired because you suck at leadership! And by "they" I mean the leveled specialists, principals and assistants, leads, and other highly-qualified individuals whom recruited, interviewed...then hired!

Some people are AMAZING and AWESOME followers, but they can't lead "anything" especially a household...that's why they've never been able to have a relationship, partnership, er...marriage longer than six years. Once their spouse figures it out they leave them! Who wants to be with someone that can't LEAD?! Trust me! If this is your third or fourth, you can't lead! If your seed is a damn can't lead!
If you can't write articulate'll be in the dust. If you don't have the significant'll be left in the dust! You can't be trusted to lead! I just had to say it for you. Sometimes our egos can make us seem like a coward. Sometimes we make up things or find that's the only recourse we have is to simply complain over a sub-par lunch break where no one "truly" cares but they'll listen because you got you mouth open talking instead of looking and learning.

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