Thursday, December 23, 2010

Flirty Thirty!

I had a BLAST for my Flirty Thirty! Lots of dancing, lots of drinking, little drama, lots of laughing, lots of flirting, and lots of questions!!!!  I'll save the answers for those that have direct access to me ;) Because trust and have ASKED! LOL!
All in all; I was happy to see my Sorors, Frat, co-workers, family, new and old friends!!  I saw friends I hadn't seen in years...since highschool (so over 10 years), friends that don't live in the same city or state came down too!!  I was just ultimately satisfied and complete with the night!  I had a BLAST!  So much so; I didn't get to pass out the keepsake shot glasses I had for all the guest!  It was also such a great turn out...the owner of the place gave ME money and wants me to host another party...NOT!  Never again will I work with him!  He can keep his pipe dreams LMAO!!

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