Tuesday, June 9, 2020

We are...

“We are BLACK WOMEN!..... We build .... We don't tear down other BLACK WOMEN ! .... We have felt the pain of being torn down and we have decided we will be deliberate about building others! If I didn't tag you, please don't be offended. I tried to pick people I thought would do this challenge!! All too often, we women find it easier to criticize each other, instead of building each other up. With all the negativity going around let's do something positive!!✨ Upload 1 picture of yourself...ONLY you. Then tag as many sisters to do the same. Let's build ourselves up, instead of tearing ourselves down.  Copy and Paste πŸ€°πŸΎπŸ€±πŸΎπŸ‘­πŸΎ✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 Thanks”

I know this is the height of movement and changes so I won’t go too far with my assessment of the above post but I have a major EYE ROLL at this “new” movement of not tearing black women down. Most of the (black) women posting and tagging are the main (black) women that are quick to call another woman out of their name, criticize, belittle, destruct, or invalidate another woman’s natural beauty! *Updated August 12th* They are quick and quite swift to defile another (black) woman’s accomplishment or change! They will remind you of your pitfalls, and exasperate all and any flaws! I’ve read it on comments, I’ve seen it in action. It’s been documented either by recording, texts, social media, or tv.
Some (black) woman do it for sport, some (black) women do it because they weren’t raised any better, some (black) women do it because of a man, some (black) women do it because another (black) woman has a difference of opinion or lifestyle than them, some (black) women do it because of social or economical status differences...whichever the case or even one I haven’t written (black) women do it! They tear each other down! I have witnessed it, been victim to it, and if you come at me in the wrong way this beautiful dimpled smile (black) woman will tear you down back to which you came, in the same spirit in which you came attempting tear me down.
I think it’s cute and all, and if (black) women, now, in the height of this revolution want to have a “new” more clear perspective of how they treat each other let’s start with rectifying how negative or destructive some of us have been. Start being transparent and say something along the lines of, “if I have ever torn you down, for ANY reason; I apologize TODAY! I am a new (black) woman that can admit I may have been wrong in the past but TODAY I will no longer tear down other (black) women...” I mean IF we’re making declarations and all.
Start with a positive narrative, not hypocrisy.
And it’s ok if you acknowledge you’ve torn someone down in the past. Most, if not anyone, willingly put themselves out there and apologize for errors of judgement, or simply being in a bad space, but IF you do; most people are ready to accept you for who you were and who you’re trying to be. A better (black) woman! Let’s do it! Let’s give flowers. Let’s praise other (black) women. Let’s help someone when they ask or when there is a need. Let’s BUILD each other up! I’m here for it! I love it! The world would be a much better place. However, the narrative has to be correct. Precise. Truly deliberate. The movement has to be true!
*And most recently, the way they are tearing down (black) performers and government officials is absurd. Everyone is entitled to opinions but it doesn’t justify making declarative statements about a person...especially that you don’t even know personally. People been making socially inappropriate or sexually overt songs with rated triple X limits longer than I been alive. It’s not the first and won’t be the last. Art most times includes pushing the envelope and making folks gag! Government officials won’t make everyone happy. It’s one of those damned if you do, damned if you don’t situations. Everyone in the United States has needs...and everyone’s needs are different...and everyone’s different needs are specific. Nothing is too impossible for God! Government officials are not gods, no matter what Trump has stated or implied so the notion to tear down a (black) woman in a political office...I mean the highest office a (black) woman has gotten to date as of 2020 is just another example of why I’m writing this post! A (black) woman did her job, at the time that she was purposed to prosecute criminals for crimes they committed against the law. She used the evidence provided to her! If it’s no longer her job, she’s not doing it. She’s now tasked with something else. People usually can’t see past their own judgements and persecution so I don’t expect anyone to cheer for a (black) woman they don’t know or have preconceived opinions on. I don’t even care that they do it, because in some ways it’s human nature. 
This blog isn’t about changing opinions or being upset that anyone has one; this blog is about the hypocrisy of (black) woman to have the audacity to post and tag other (black) woman claiming to not tear ((black) women down when that statement just isn’t true and they need to own it!

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