Sunday, June 7, 2020

To Open the Economy or Not

I promise. Social media is can be used for good and bad, like all things. What one man makes for good another man turns it and makes it bad. What the devil means for bad, God is still in control and turns it around for our good!
When the law makers were shutting everything down and placing stipulations on public places most Americans were outraged! Shouting from the rooftops how it was the worst mistake in history (really history because I can think of quite a few things worse in history...) Certain individuals were taking to social media to address the economic fail of our government officials and how they were leading us down a wrong path. The people demanded the cities be reopened; public parks, recreation centers, businesses, beaches, etc. be opened!; it’s slowly opening and most parks and beaches are allowing the people back on the them to (drum roll) boost the economy and NOW some people are still pissed...dismayed...saddened...angry!
People are now upset that there are too many people in one place or area. Well who did you think was coming? What did you think they would be doing? Of course people are’s a public place and just like you needed to have the economy open, they need to be economical. People are publicly posting outrage over people not social distancing, or wearing masks. Now all of a sudden, instead of protesting the right to NOT wear a mask because we’re in the land of the FREE is overshadowed by the, dare I say it, protest for Black Lives Matter. Le sigh!
I guess as long as you can live in your bubble world without “other” people you’re fine but the moment it’s “other” people now areas are unsafe, unnecessary, or unnerving to be present or attend! That’s what ECONOMY being OPEN means! It’s for EVERYONE (duh)

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