Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Half-Way Mark

Happy Fourth of July!!!
Today we celebrate independence, as well as salute the men and women that fight the good fight for it!

I'm going to take it a few steps further and bring some other viewpoints to light...

Also, take this day to celebrate your independence in being copacetic, living who you are and who's you are as opposed to living who you imagine someone wants you to be! You are a child of God and you're not built to break!

This also is a great half-way mark of the year to see how well (or not) we've progressed on our New Year's Resolution! Are you meeting your goals? Have you made positive changes, amendments, or other variations in your life? Are you on track with your vision board?

Don't beat yourself up if you've made some errors or if you've slacked off...Keep it moving! Today is a new day, a better day! Another chance to get it RIGHT and keep it TIGHT!!!

So; enjoy the food, family and fireworks and then continue pressing!

P.S- I found this lovely recipe of perfection on Pinterest...strawberries with white chocolate covered with blue sprinkles! A nice addition to the Independence Day festivities!!


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