Monday, April 7, 2014

Pearls to the Swine!

A friend asked my opinion based off a post another friend gave about charging people for talents. Gifts God gives! The post read as if a person shouldn't charge for their God-given gift of singing. Ever. The post further believed that if the "work" is for church they'd never, ever charge.
I gave my opinion and afterward my friend saw the light. I think at one point my friend may have agreed with the post...perhaps someone else will too...perhaps not.
Let's be clear: ANY talent God-given is a gift. Heck, life, itself, is a GIFT. Gifts and talents, for whatever strange reason "the church" has made you feel this way, however, I'm here to tell you; singing, dancing...THE ARTS are not the only gifts God gives. I'm exhausted with Christians "preaching" not even TEACHING about money, wealth, and prosperity but only as it pertains to the hierarchy of that church. GIVE, give, give to the church but don't take, anything, except the word and it, alone, will sustain you! Really?!  Of course this is not ALL churches so don't get your panties in a bunch pseudo-Christians! My pastor, Dr. N.C Cunningham taught ALL things well and with understanding so we, as a flock, understood. The church is not, I repeat not, a building, dear friends. It is God's people! God's not coming back for some building without spot or wrinkle; He's coming back for YOU, without spot or wrinkle! 
It is asinine for you to believe or feel that a singer or a dancer or any artist, or any person working for the church should only be compensated with a "thank you", "we love you and God does too", "bless you", or a junk bag full of dollar store goodies as a token of appreciation! 

You're good at math and became an accountant! God gave you that TALENT, that gift, and you work everyday to provide for your yourself and your family to be a blessing among them. 
God gave you the gifts of articulation, speech, and language so you studied hard, graduated with a Masters, or not, and now you are a radio host, talk-show host, public speaker, speech pathologist! Does this mean you work for free?! 
An administrator, a graphic design artist, a technician...should they be WORKING for FREE?! Absolutely NOT! Everyone has a livelihood...a GIFT! ALLof us are born with several gifts and talents, most of us will use our talents for good, while few of us even scratch the surface or hornace ALL the gifts God intended for us. They are indeed your gifts and it doesn't matter if it's part-time, full-time, or on-time! Stop wanting something for nothing. Stop using the word of God to belittle, or talk down on a person that capitalizes on their gifts in order to live the life God ordains! It's certainly okay for pro-bono work or charity work if a person chooses, but no one should expect that from a person...and at ALL times! Get real?! do know your Pastor gets paid right?! Yes, to bring the word of God, as he should! The list could go on with everyone that gets paid within the church...and let's be crystal clear again: THEY ALL SHOULD!! If anything, instead of talking down on people that do God's work; take care of them! Take care of people that minister...whether it be spoken, read, sung, danced, created! Don't abuse people or their talents!

Now, I've said my piece, AMEN!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I definitely agree! Talent should be appreciated, admired,inspiring, & yes compensated xoxo