Saturday, April 19, 2014

Filling Voids

Is it temporary? I compare it to tooth fillings or seat fillers...I may be wrong! Could quite possibly be wrong? It just seems as if, when a void is being filled; it's taking the place of something else. Like with a tooth filling: the original tooth/enamel is weathered away. It's no longer present. There's a empty...hollowness, so it's filled. That filling soons wears away as well, though. Over time. After all, it was just a replacement. A fill-in to the void.
Let's take a look at the seat filler. They, again, are the replacements! They sit in the seat until the original returns. They fill the void of empty seats so that the stadium, or auditorium, "looks" full. It's a sham! Once the original returns, that seat filler either fills a new void or is dismissed because there's no room for them. Ouch! 
I'm trying to help somebody! 
For the person that's getting the void filled- they're happy. They're good, in fact, they are great! But for the purely-innocent "fill" they may be happy for a time, but once they're worn, weathered, or simply not needed; they may feel used and abused. Better yet, on the short-end of the stick! 
I may be wrong. Could quite possibly be wrong, but if I'm not...I just helped somebody see the light at the end of a dead-end tunnel. A tunnel they quite possibly were traveling alone. A tunnel, that once they see the light, they'll understand that tunnel was never designed for them in the first place. You are no filler! 

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