Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Help

So what I'm late! I really didn't want to see this movie at first! I get tired of seeing the misuse, abuse, mistreatment and outright hatred of anybody, never the less, a race of people that look like me! It still irritates me that Black people, no matter what ethnicity or racial background, can be so ignorant with one another. It saddens me that oppressed people can't ban together and FIGHT!
I look at the movies set in slavery times and I just know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that me with my slick-mouth; would not have made it out alive! I would've been trying to gather a revolution, run away, or kick some booty!!! I say that now, because I was born in the time I was born, but no one can truly understand or empathize what those people, even if it was a grandmother or mother, what a time like, The Help, could have been like! What really cooks my grits is that Black people overall, NOW, have the audacity to be racist with each other! Thinking skin-color separates us. When in actuality; if you're born BLACK, that's all White Folks see you as...BLACK! So get a grip! And get your life right!
I digress...
The Help, certainly wouldn't be placed on my "Top Movie" list, but it was certainly entertaining and slightly endearing! It certainly made some light of the struggles and REAL life of those that lived and worked at that time. Kathryn Stockard most undeniably got flack for her portrayal too, but hey; that's life! People will talk if you do or if you do not, so DO YOU!
My favorite character was in fact- Bryce Dallas Howard as Hilly Holbrook, the town's racist and snooty ringleader! I LOVED her! Be mad if you want but she was convincing, crazy and confidently racist! A true depiction of my idea of White Folks back in the day! Without her....who would Minny have fed sh$t to!? LOL! That was the highlight of the entire plot!
Time for me to give a Khrystian Tidbit Reality Check: Say what you will and feel any old way about it, but we STILL have Hillys and Skeeters around, even in 2011 as we approach 2012. You work with 'em, shop with 'em, and are connected to 'em in some kind of way! They can't stand to see you coming, and will put on a happy face around you, but be careful out them; Black Folks (no matter how light or dark or what city you from or how much money you make) you're STILL the Help! Always will be! Oh, they'll invite you to their homes, or clubs and even place you in a great position at work, but mark my words...there's a reason! They just might have something to prove (things that make you go hmmmm) ;-)
Let me stop stepping on toes!
Progression is a Beautiful thang! Check the movie out if you haven't already or better yet, read the book too! Let me know what you think!

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