I am so glad I had an ephiphany during the Wednesday TAKS test I administered!
We, the teacher, or er, test administrator; stand...all day, and walk, even more...all day, watching...er moving about the classroom as our students take the definitive test.
Isn't it funny that sometimes you find yourself not being able to think clearly? Well, I can only speak for myself here. It just sometimes feel like I have so much I want to do, and so few resources, and sometimes not even the motivation (few and far between) to do something. I'll get frustrated, or even angry that things don't happen as I think they should, or when I think they should or WHY I think they should. It just may have been one of those weeks, I suppose. 'Cause thank you God for bringing me out of that funk!!!
**What I'm about to blog about has nothing to do with my funk I was in, prior to having my ephiphany; it has everything to do with one of the ideas in itself! My funk...well, we all go through those at some point in our life, and I could write a few blogs on that topic all in itself; but because I'd rather be motivating...today (insert wicked grin here) I'll save that (funk) for another time!**
I digress-
In a previous blog, I told you about sticking my BIG foot in my BIG mouth, right?! Well today, ladies and gentlemen, I'm pleased to announce that I have precisely 29 volunteers signed up to help pass out water/gatoraid on Sunday!!! I'm extremely proud of myself, because as you know from the previous blog; I was stuck between a rock and a hard place! I had help... but no help. If you know what I mean. I couldn't see beyond the number 10 and I couldn't even get that many to volunteer. I negatively thought that because it was a Sunday...church day...and it was volunteering...no pay, people wouldn't be interested.
But low and behold, in your darkest hour, just when you think the storm is going to wipe you out. When there is no interruption or distractions BAM!!! (as NeNe would say!) There it goes! A brilliant idea! Walking around my classroom (bored), I decided to give my kids extra credit! DING!!!! I give them extra credit for volunteering their time! Drama teachers do it to get students to see plays, other science teachers recruit kids to recycle and pick up litter. Why can't I do the same thing for my students?!
So I did! I got a great reponse from kids and parents alike! I don't feel so bogged down anymore and I feel great about being able to help some of the struggling students bring up their grades!
So...with all of that being said, here's my motivation to you-
Turn the so-called negatives in your life into a POSITIVE! Sometimes we can't see the road clearly because we're concentrating on ALL the many distractions around us! Eyes on the road!! Like someone once said..."when life hands you lemons; make lemonaid." It's TRUE! Find a way to make it happen! And when that way doesn't work-come up with something else!
I have so many great things about to happen...I can't wait to share them all with you! Stay tuned!
Here's to making it happen!
~Khrystian Nichole~
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