Saturday, April 17, 2010

I Have a Dream...

***Inspired by Reagan Gomez, whom was inspired by Martin Luther King***

"I have a dream that black women (and for those that prefer African American) will one day be able to have a nice workout at the gym, get in a nice sweat, and still come out looking civilized about the head!  I still have a dream, that although women of all races face difficulties of finding time within our hectic schedules to get a good workout in, eat right, maintain a fabulous career and enjoy the fruits of our labor; there will be a time when you can place your hair out of your face without having a wet, stringy, frizzy or limp do' when you leave the gym.  I have a dream that one day  no matter if you rock all natural kinky, straight, wavy, curly, move onto permed, jheri, or bags of yaki and velvet remi; you can rest assured that the same way you entered the gym, is the same way you will leave out!   I have a dream today!"

I thought it was just me until I've been seeing it on status posts, hearing it on radio, seeing jokes made about it on television.  I mean, this is a REAL life situation that we're going through! (I had to laugh myself...but it's true)
One of the major reasons I skip work outs is due to my hair.  PUHLEESE!  If I have something to do that day, I will not work out.  I go from this:


to my beloved "Black Fox" bun.  This:

It took a few tries to take a pic of myself LOL!  So there you have it!  You see this bun...I need my wig split, I'm having a bad hair day...or my BEhind has been working out!
XOXO Happy Hair

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