Friday, June 19, 2020

Happy Juneteenth 2020

I would be remiss to NOT blog Juneteenth for the year 2020, and simply repost a blog I wrote ten years ago given the ongoing Civil War we are actually in. Race relations, civil rights, injustices, and inequalities have been going on for well over 401 years but Juneteenth marks an Emancipation Day, a holiday in the United States, that 155 years before 2020 has become a notable day of emancipation for the last freed slaves commemorating the announcement of the abolition of slavery in Texas in 1865. Abraham Lincoln actually issued the Proclamation on September 22, 1862 where the effective date of freedom was January 1, 1863 for all slaves! Texas slave owners ignored the order, and most slaves were unaware of their freedom in Texas. It wasn’t until June 18th, 1865 Union Major General Gordon Granger and 2,000 federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas to enforce the emancipation of its slaves. Yes! Two years later. On June 19, 1865, as the story is told, while standing on the balcony of Galveston’s famous Ashton Villa, Major General Granger read the rights and emancipation for the slaves! 
I get emotional just thinking of that time. What it must’ve been like to be in bondage and enslaved and to learn you’re FREE-ish! What a time that must’ve been! What great empowerment that must’ve felt like!
There are things, evil principalities and such that African Americans STILL face, TODAY! That’s why I don the tee shirt Free-ish Juneteenth because although an Emancipation Proclamation was ordered back one hundred and fifty five years ago people that look like me are still...FIGHTING for rights and justices that we should NEVER have to fight! 
In 2020 we are STILL learning our history- the right side of history! We (American people) are seeing major changes and revelations that African Americans have had to experience all our lives. Contrary to what Donald Trump says, Juneteenth has been “very famous”! His attempt at holding a rally on Juneteenth in Tulsa, Oklahoma the site of the Black Wallstreet or Tulsa Massacre brought about outrage which in turn brought more attention to the historical day. With heightened and increased exposure of movements such as Black Lives Matter occurring at this time, big corporations and people across various states, cities, and towns are continuing to celebrate the occasion and NOW 155 years later are making adjustments for the day to be celebrated with paid holiday and/or company holiday pay! 
The statement all lives matter can’t be true until Black Lives Matter. Hence the celebration of Juneteenth! For those that continue to make it a fight...if we all mattered Juneteenth wouldn’t exist! Hence Juneteenth! We ALL mattered when Jesus died on the cross and then rose again three days later. But we won’t NOT acknowledge the skewed history of this country, of the United States. 
I want to send a reminder however, with the climate of our country, it seems no one can “get right” so please uplift those that make efforts to celebrate Juneteenth! Unfortunately, many are learning for the first time TODAY. Unfortunately, many are celebrating for the first time TODAY, or this weekend. Please uplift, don’t criticize. Each one, teach one #Juneteenth is OUR celebration! As President Obama has said, “it has never been a celebration of a victory or an acceptance of the way things are, BUT it’s a celebration of progress and an affirmation that change comes!” It’s American history! It’s a story that has to be told and taught! 
Good day all! I’m off to continue celebrating Juneteenth as only a former Miss Juneteenth from 1997 can do! 
#Crowned #GalvestonCounty #EmancipationProclamation #AmericanHistory 
Love and light!

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