Friday, May 22, 2020

Riddle Me This

No you’re easy. Effortless. No one has to court you or compliment you or even lie to you they simply call and you answer. Doesn’t matter the day or time you’re available for them to have their way and they don’t have to be connected or concerned for your feelings since you’re only a text, dm, or dial a (roach) away. 
Desperate at the mere think that what you have is real outside of the two of you. Good thing you’re not paid to think.
No substance. 
No soul. 
No morals. 
No dignity. 
No fulfillment. 
Just lust. 
Just sin. 
Just destruction. 
Just a sunken place. 
Just detriment. 
Continue enjoying that. That’s all the satisfaction you get in this life and the after...
A.lways A. W.illing (Loser)

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