Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The REAL in REALity- Mindless Rant

It's been a whole while since I blogged about reality tv.  So here it is in a nutshell.

I've enjoyed Married to Medicine this season.  It has been intensely real.  Dr. Jackie has big decisions to make and women have been making them for decades.  Nothing new.  Quad is tripping.  I'm not in her shoes, and clearly she doesn't want to be either.  I don't advocate divorce, but she doesn't seem to love...or at least like Gregory and I'm sad for their relationship every time they have conflict.  I just know it stems from her not wanting to have babies.
I miss making fun of Lisa Nicole...where is she? LOL  Heavenly is one of those chicks in high school that you just don't have time for with all her antics. And Simone is still screaming lol

Atlanta Housewives just is.  I did agree (for once) with Linethia Leakes.  They should stop asking that married woman about Tyrone.  Once was for television, twice to add the drama, third time and beyond; you're about to cause problems at home and there's really no excuse for it because whether they had something going on in the past or not...they don't now.  He's with Sheree and she's married to Greg.  Speaking is Sheree totally smitten and in love this season, when she was just trying to rekindle a relationship with Bob?  She was even talking about moving him into her house.  Did we all forget? Kenya is all too proud to be a wife, and I'm about sick of hearing about it.  Kim should just permanently dismiss herself, but then who would the ladies band against?  I would say poor Porsha but that girl is making money hand over she got it!  I still say...Marlo needs to write a book honey!

Beverly Hills are rich women whose husbands take care of them drama.  I still watch it to see the fashion and real estate.

...Really those are the only ones I invest my time into watching during this season.  Which do you watch?  Leave a post about it!


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