Monday, October 26, 2015

Why not me?

Before looking around at others and asking the question, " Why them?" Look at yourself in the mirror and ask, "Why not me?"
Do you actually have what it takes? Really think about this question. It's not to diminish your self esteem, but it's to make you think. You may be lacking something! 
It goes back to the old saying, " Sweep around your own front door before you go to sweep someone else's", or "Taste your words before you spit them out", or biblically put; "Take the plank out of your own eye before you attempt to remove the speck from your brother's."
Everything that glitters isn't gold and perhaps you have a few things from the list of "ain't gots" that you should be working in. You may assume you're highly qualified and find out the person you're comparing yourself to is overly-qualified. You may disregard them or count them out of your league but just remember FAVOR ain't fair. 
Think on these things...before you get your feelings hurt comparing yourself to others.

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