Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Writers Write

They indeed do. There are some days I wake up and want to do nothing so that's just what I've done. I believe Terry McMillian recalled that behavior as simply lazy and in my case she would be very accurate.
I've had to consciously WORK and push myself to complete this first book. Not because I didn't want to but simply because either I was tired, sleepy, both, or my mind was going a million miles per second on other things. Things that are important and things that I really shouldn't give a hoot ninny about but I did!
I have indeed completed the manuscript for this first book and it feels amazeballa and I am now editing it, however I must began again with the next project along with plotting the other ideas and stories I formulated while in the process of completing my book! My mind is bogged and must be purged! Lol
This picture signifies completion (-:

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