Saturday, June 14, 2014

Wasting Time OR Using Time Wisely

Both are a matter of perspective! I think wasting time would be equalivent to lack of growth. To not receive anything from the experience. To come from the moment unchanged, unfathomed, and ultimately none the wiser. However, if, when you remove your self from the situation you're a bit wiser, you've been challenged and grown, you have a new outlook or better grasp then; the time wasn't wasted! 
Could it have been spared. Okay, that's another matter of perspective. You GROW through what you GO through. So, in essence, had you not gone through the time spent; you wouldn't be the person you are or have the appreciation of life that you may. 
Some Negative Nancy's (as we've all been guilty of being) may argue that time isn't forever. Once you've lost it, you don't get if back; and that's true! But! We must speak in perspective! We have to concentrate on the positive and lend beams of light, whenever capable AND possible to others so that no one is ever left gasping for air. Unable to breathe through mistakes, mishaps, moments, and milestones of our lives. It's imperative. Look for signs of those time wasters or time wisers! They have been known to happen at the same time ;-) BUT! Watch your perspective and make every moment count!

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