Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Loyal to a Fault

I'm so loyal. I'm so focused. I try and treat people the same way I'd like to be treated. I'm not a fan of "fast" and new friends. It takes awhile for me to consider you anything other than, "someone I know" because I like to be certain of others' character before I associate or attach myself to them. 
With that said: If I call you a friend I'm a friend. I can be a confidant. I'm a sister. I'm a vault, locked and sealed. I'm a stylist. I'm a tutor. I'm a coach, some may say drill sergeant lol. I'm a cheerleader. I'm a supporter and an advocate. I'm a companion. I'm brutally honest and dangerously loving. Above all else: you don't have to doubt MY intentions with you. 
Cross me once, though...we're through. I don't have time to give benefits of doubt. I have enough true blood FAMILY to sustain me. Real sweet tea!
I won't be rude, but please don't take my kindness towards you for weakness. I wouldn't mistreat a flea, if given the opportunity, but please respect my space, my decision to "dismiss" you and my cordial attitude towards you as a means to an end....
The end

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