Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tamartian Fans: Love and War Review

Well...as you may already know...I AM a fan of Mrs. Tamar Braxton-Herbert's crazy, over-the-top personality of talent! Her album...it's been good...but I do have the critique that each song truly felt like a teaser! Maybe I just can't get enough...but! I felt the songs were TOO short ( or shawt) That just means: I enjoyed the album and didn't want any song to end :-) 
My favorites are...of course; Love and War, The One, and then there's Hot Sugar, Pieces, One on One Fun (reminiscent of her sis I may add), All the Way Home, I'm really enjoying this Where It Hurts (it's giving me that Barry Manilo, Mandy life!) Well...just go listen! I'm in the middle of playing the album now! 
#SheWins ;-)

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