Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wants, Needs, Expectations

Have you ever been asked, straight-up, what it is you want, need, and expect from your significant other when you first began dating?
It could be a daunting question, seeing as how it's a three-part question, but the response could be even more daunting, right?! Or not!
Some of us know exactly what we want, others of us don't. Majority of us don't realize what we want until it's too late, or the opportunity is no longer there. Then there are others of us whom have known what we wanted, needed and expected since we got out the womb! 
I suggest you take a moment and consider or REconsider exactly what it is you want, need and expect out of your relationships! But also, take it a step further; and figure out what you want, need and expect out of life! What is it you want, need, and expect for your day to day regiment in order to get your goals?
Actually create the list, the guidelines, put it on paper, if you need to! This provides focus! Focus is the key to getting anything you want, right? Once you have focus, the vision is clear, the goal is attainable!
Same thing for the relationship: Once you have focus on your wants, needs and expectations in your relationship; the vision and direction of your relationship is set. There is no miscommunication or confusion on what you BOTH see. The gps is set and it's up to the both of you whether or not you're willing to spend the money on gas, upkeep, and maintenance. Are you willing to go those miles? Are you going to take the same route, or does one desire to take short-cuts and dead-end roads? If you can travel that same road the goal is most certainly attainable and you're on your way to your destination!
Problem lies when you hear or set the wants, needs, and expectations without being genuine. Masking what you really want. 
Save time! 
Save heartache! 
Be authentic! 
Mean what you say, and say what you mean!

Good dating!

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