Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Online versus Library versus Book Store

The debate, with myself of course, being should I continue to purchase Ebooks and read them off my phone's Kindle app, or should I borrow from the library when available or buy from the book store!
Anyone that knows me, knows I'm an avid reader! I love, love, love to read! If you've been keeping up with this blog you also know this. It's no secret...I do! Most times I'll finish a book in a day, interruptions included, especially if I enjoy it! Yes! I'm a Book Worm and I wear it proudly! 
As economical as Ebooks can be, because let's face it...sometimes I get them for free or for a penny and if you know me...you know I love, love, love a good bargain; I still feel the need to increase my shelf of books! Then u think, being apart of a book club, what if I loathe the book after reading it and now I've purchased it? But, alas, I've figured it out: if the book is not free or on sale through Ebooks, I'll borrow from the library. If I enjoy the book; I'll buy it. Same basic principle for a book I don't particularly care for. I'll still purchase it...then just either sell it or give it away! Hey! One man's trash is another man's treasure, right?! 
*Yea, I wrote this because you care. Lol*

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