Friday, February 22, 2013

Hypocrisy Brewing

A pot is being stirred. It's a big ol' pot too and it's filled to the brim with hypocrisy, coupled with a side of double standard!
I get it too! We live in a society of "do as I say and not as I do". Too bad that hasn't been working out too well! I'm here to say; what's good for the Gander is GREAT for the Goose!
You can NOT, I repeat, NOT expect someone to live according to the rules of said-individual terms and you not hold yourself to the same standard! Who thinks like that?!
A hypocrite that's who! Why do people feel the need to place others to a higher standard than themselves? They, for a lack of better words; place others on pedastals hoping, wanting and actually believing they can keep that pedastal locked up behind a glass protective shield for later use! For their mere enjoyment and entertainment!
The hypocrite places these ridiculous stipulations on someone that they most definitely aren't living up to, and when they figure out that the jig is up and others can "play the game" just as good, if not, even BETTER; then and only then do they get their little old feelings hurt!
Things and situations don't revolve around you in your own "little" world! The sooner you get an understanding of that, the better off you'll be. How about this notion? Treat OTHERS the way you desire to be treated! Don't do to someone what you wouldn't want done to you! Be a person of your word. If you say it or feel it, mean it! Don't play games. Think of the consequences of your actions first! Life would be so much sweeter! Imagine that (insert smirk here)

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