Monday, January 21, 2013

A Monumental Day

So poetic that the man whom had a dream but never lived to see it in living color and the man fulfilling that dream because of courage, determination, intrinsic motivation, love and support are being celebrating, unbeknownst to them, Today! Look at God and how He works! No man could have master-planned it better! It's true; your dreams and thoughts are just small fries compared to what God has on store!
If Disney didn't convince you...looking at today, knowing this day came through much heartache, pain, strain, drain, and only by great faith; a faith the size of a mustard seed! The faith of people, one man that spoke it into existence; he spoke LIFE! He had a vision...a dream...
Dreams DO come true!! Believe that!

*An added bonus was seeing the strength and hearing the invocation of a widow, who's husband was gunned-down in front of her and their kids! Myrlie Evers-Williams! She's not a minister and this was the first time, historically, that a minister did not give the invocation. That, in itself, shows God's faithful and just promises!

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