Monday, December 24, 2012

What You Remember...

It's interesting what you remember about your childhood! I remember my great-grandmother, whom I called Lessie B. She passed away when I was about fifteen years old and at that time death, I want to say, was very surreal to me. I just really didn't understand it or think of losing people around me and never seeing them again (on this side for us believers) as a reality. Even at the age I am, knowing and surviving and understanding the things I do...sometimes it's still unfathomable! :-/
With that said, I don't want to place a damper on this entry because that's certainly not my I'll carry on to the exact point of it all.
In remembering my great-grandmother; I remember her house around the holidays! Just to be clear, she was a pack-rat! She always has whatever's all around her house: on tables, counters, name it! She always had food too, not food like snacks either, I'm talking full-course meals: hog, pig feet, pickled this or that, smoked this and that, coconut cakes, tea cake cookies...whatever!
But I distinctly remember during the holidays- from about September through February being her "peak" season for desserts! Lol! I especially remember on the holidays Gingerbread houses!!!
All types, large and small! They weren't the greatest to eat, in fact they tasted weird to me although they were edible! I remember thinking, "Let me stop sneaking to eat this house, you can't eat it...but it smells SO good!" The funniest part is that, there was absolutely no reason to sneak! They were there to eat, but I always thought of it as more of a display :-)
Lessie B! That was her thing and I remember those houses vividly! I don't see them when I visit people's houses anymore, I don't hear people talking about them anymore either... I wonder why that is?! Maybe I've outgrown them and so like on some of those movies, like... who remembers Drop Dead Fred?! Lol! Remember she got too "grown-up" to remember Fred and only when she got back "child-like" did she remember him ;-) Maybe that's it! I don't "see" the Gingerbread houses because I'm not really looking for them...subconsciously.

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