Monday, July 23, 2012


Quick insect lesson-
The grasshopper is an insect of the suborder Caelifera. A species that changes color and behavior at high population densities are also called locusts. Destructive to plants and characteristically has long, powerful hind legs adapted for jumping.

*Khrystian Tid-Bit: It's also a cocktail consisting of crème de menthe, crème de cacao, and cream.

Ok, now on to the real!
Grasshoppers are also characterized, by muah, as those individuals that hop from one thing to another as if they have no rhyme or justification...nor (in some instances) any moral fibers! They hop from job to job, relationship to relationship, city to city or state to state, and (grossly) bed to bed. These said individuals are "finding" themselves. They constantly look for and are trying to discover what "fits".
Change is good! We're not talking about change here- we're talking about those that run around like chickens with their head cut off hopping from one thing (person) to another. The said individuals lack LOYALTY!
Loyalty is that little thing that's coupled with allegiance and devotion! Pick a lane and stay there. Be open to change, but never lack loyalty. It'll take you far! Others can recognize it within you and will in turn be loyal, allegiant, and devoted to you and what you stand for. They'll have your back and have strong desires to uplift you whenever possible!

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