Seriously! People are posting, tweeting, writing articles and buzzing about how OTHER people spend their money and time. It's really not your business if someone stands in line for days to get something or not, or skips a bill to pay for something or not.
I wouldn't have even known about these issues had I not been reading other folks opinions on it! I'm just amazed at the hypocrisy I've been reading and hearing. Two things in my life, among many I've for sure learned; 1. A parents love will cause them to go above and beyond for their kids 2. People will usually go after what they want regardless of what you think or how you feel!
Before you go judging someone or adding and subtracting money from their bank accounts remember how you:
Participating in the madness of black Friday
Stand in lines (with your kids on a school/work night) to catch a midnight movie
Move/switch, not pay or pay late on your bills to get something else first
Deplete your entire savings to purchase a dream or create a new reality
Still give your child or children something for their birthday/Christmas/etc even after they come home failing or acting up in class
Went in the red or overdraft your checking account
Got a new car although you were upside-down with your old car
Eat sandwiches to save money or avoid eating out
Wear Christian Louboutin and drive a Honda civic (as Charles Grant said)
I mean come on, the list could go on and on! Stop judging other folks' walk! I don't stand in line or purchase these shoes that's causing this frenzy either, but good for me and those that don't! Those that do, enjoy yourself!
That's life! We won't always agree with someone else's values or choices, but it's not YOUR, yes YOU, place to judge!
Why you mad?!
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