Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Faux Pas

There are many times where you SEE someone and you automatically may think they look good; physically and are attracted to them! But...
Here are some of my particular personal turn-off moments when I see someone and THEN:
1. They open their mouth!
-Whether their voice doesn't match what they look like cuz it's too high or too low. That's ackward, to say the least. The thing that is truly a turn-off is when they don't speak intelligible! Having an accent is one thing.  A thing, that I must say, will turn me OFF if its too heavy. I don't care if it's southern, northern, eastern or western...too much of anything can never be good. However, the worst is speaking English, that is so incomprehensible you do think it's another language. Can you say, "Yuck Mouth." which goes into the next tier of disgust: you see the nice looking person and then they open their mouths and it's yuck mouth literally!!!
- You can tell a ton of information about a person based on their hygiene!  If you're over the age of ten; you know that!  Bad breath, food smeared onto teeth, yellow ALL and then some says plenty about your character.  Please for the love of all things Gucci, visit a dentist, brush your teeth and floss regularly.  There's just something about fresh breath and pearly whites that can get you far.  Ever heard of, "Have a coke and a smile."?
-They are vulgar, obsence and just too much for anyone on Earth.  It's a MAJOR turn-off!  You're embarrassed to speak to them in private, let alone bring them around people you know! You NEVER know what will fly out of their mouth. Enough said!  
-They have NO conversation.  The conversation always stops at, "Hi." with them.  You're constantly in a tug-o-war of, "what you doing?"  That's very intense.  Okay, they're nice to look at, but you sit in a room only watching television, or watching other people talk, or the best dates you've ever had are at the movies, a play, church, or anywhere else you don't have to talk.

2. Their attitude precedes their overall nice physique.
- There are some people that either don't realize they are nice-looking and therefore, their confidence is less than zero then you’re constantly building them up. Which is exhausting, by the way. Then, there are those that have confidence from Earth to Pluto, when frankly; they just look good, they have absolutely NOTHING else going for themselves! At all. We can’t forget to mention the one with that overbearing confidence and they actually DO have something going for themselves, however; their nasty or toxic attitude overshadows how nice they look therefore, you could care less to be in their presence. Again, the problem isn’t the way they look, it’s with the way they behave either alone or in a social setting with you.
How about you?
Entering into any relationship I’m quite certain there are specific social behaviors you either are attracted to or turn off by. Have you thought about your own faux pas’ that you try and avoid while getting to know someone? 

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