Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Accepting Compliments!

This is rule number two of my dating blog I wrote a little bit back: Accept Compliments
It's absolutely acceptable to receive a compliment from a man and not think he's just trying to get under your dress or into your pants. Be gracious when receiving your compliment and always say thank you. Never down play the's for you and you deserve it. He obviously means it or believe me he wouldn't have said it. Instead of, you have a beautiful smile, he could have easily said; tonight looks amazing! However, a very common mistake some women make is allowing a man to give a derogatory or degrading compliment. That is not a compliment, it's an insult! If he says anything insulting, derogatory or degrading excuse yourself and leave immediately! Trust me, he's not worth your time!

I feel the need to explain derogatory and degrading comments, because I KNOW for a fact...people, especially my ladies (who, let's face it...I write my blog with you in mind) don't know or have a clear understanding of what they are.  I'm not calling you stupid...I'm saying you could be unaware or naive...don't get offended, just stop reading my blog LOL!

1. Yo' booty shole is right in them jeans.
2. You are so pretty, for a (insert whatever fits)
3. Oooh you thick!  I like a woman that can eat.
4. I usually don't date your type.
5. You're so sexy, you can have whatever you long as you return the favor (wink)

DOUBLE GROSS!  Watch it out here ladies!  It's a jungle out here and these men are a BEAST! LOL!
~God Bless and Good Luck!

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