Thursday, November 25, 2010

What's in a Name?

I just want to know why parents are naming these kids any old thing?  These names aren't phonetically correct or spelled correctly and these poor kids have to go through life explaining how to pronounce their names or giving themselves alternate names just to function in society.  Now, I'm not the name compass of whats right or wrong with folks' names, however; I'm here to tell you:  Stop doing it please!!  I beg of you!  These parents are trying to be creative and unique and are causing kids a lifetime of pain and anguish, not to mention ridicule!
I never noticed this either, until I began working in the public education school system.  I mean, okay...I knew there were these odd-ball names out here...I mean I grew up in the era of the Shameka's, Tameka's, Dameka, MeMeka, Shateka's!  But come on, it's gotten worse.  And the funniest part is that for whatever strange reason, the ding dang on kids have the nerve to get an attitude when you don't get there name right the first time!  Are you serious?!?!  Like, for real, you about to go through life mad at the world for the rest of your life!!  Get REAL!  You may as well wear a name tag but I'm sorry...spelling your name Aerial and saying that you pronounce it Ireland is ludicris and retarded!!  Oh, and get over being called retarded!  No one cares that your feelings get hurt!  Saying retarded is not being insensitive to special needs!!  It's an expression and we can say's America! Freedom of speech and you are RETARDED for spelling your childs name Aerial and expecting it to be pronounced Ireland!

**no one was hurt during the typing of this blog.  Aerial AND Ireland are fictional and any indication or similiarities to someone alive or dead is purely accidental**

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