Friday, May 14, 2010

Iron Man 2

I will preface this entry by saying: 
I am utterly and irrevocabally infatuated with Robert Downey, Jr.  As an entertainer, performer, actor, comedian, artist, and philanthropist.  The man has to me; such talent, charisma, wit, charm and undeniable come-back capabilities that it astonishes me!  He has gone from shining brightly as a rising star to the gutters and trenches and back again...many times over, I have to say.  But with each downfall and rising, with each scandal and praise; he always returns to the screen and, like a proud moma; I'm excited to see what he'll do, how he'll play the part.  He always seems to excell, endure and triumph over each monkey that grips his back.  I applaud his work, his skill and his ability to seemingly overcome adversity!

Okay, with all that being said, I will get to Iron Man 2!
I loved it! I was entertained and excited.  I wish I could have worked on the set, just because I know they that had too much fun filiming.  I loved the two villians, I loved Scarlett's (totally not even close to real) stunts and kick-ass fighting skills!  Don Cheadle...the man is great and adds a'lil something-something to every part I've ever seen him play.  Gywneth was endearing; although, I still think they teased you on the trailer and then left "something" off; but you'll see for yourself....whatever!  I liked it.  Maybe I'm just a fan of The Jr. and anything he's in, I just like...but not true.  Well...not all the way true.  LOL!  Judge for yourself...I won't do any spoilers for least I don't think I did! 
Enjoy your night at the movies!

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