Thursday, March 18, 2010

Diet Schmiet!

So I'll be the first to admit that as I (clears throat) older, and by older I mean closer to 30 (apologies to those that are sensitive or touchy about their oldness lol) I realize it's not so easy for me to eat, eat and eat and not gain a pound.  My size 0 and 2 jeans just don't fit me the way they are supposed to.  Let's face it...I can barely get them over my thighs.  In fact, on a good day, they fit me snug, and by snug, I mean too tight!  I can barely walk or breathe.  I mean I'm busting up out those things!!!!  (literally) Insert shrill scream here! 
I absolutely can't stand dieting.  In fact, it depresses me to know someone around me is on a diet! (truly exaggerrating, but really...) Why?!  Why would you willingly deprive yourself of life's great pleasures, unless health-wise you must in order for survival?!  I can't tell a lie-I scream for ice cream.  Pasta, starches, breads, butter...mmmm (okay I sould like Raspusha LOL!) I like to have a glass of wine every now and again, and I'm smitten with happy hours!  They make my day brighter.  I know, I know...alcohol puts the weight on you.  But I figure if you work out regularly, you can stand to indulge in some of life's greatest pleasures. (or maybe that's just something I came up with)  Please all you health nuts and gurus don't start sending me hate mail.  I'm just saying...(tongue out here)  I like good food, and I figure so long as you eat good food in moderation and work out regularly...we should be fine.  Right?!
I acquired a gym membership to 24 hour fitness around June of 2009.  Suffice to say, I didn't utilize it the way it was intended and it turned into a big old waste of money.  Despite the fact I would seldom go to the gym.  I found myself gaining more weight and NOT losing!  Yikes!
You see, I figured, 24 hour fitness would be perfect for me.  If I was up at 2 in the morning, wasting time, I could easily burn off that energy by working out.  During the summer, just on a whim I could rise and shine and go sit in the sauna or whirlpool if nothing else.  Sweat away my excess phat!  I could even get involved in one of the famous classes, like zumba, I'd heard rave reviews on.  That was the plan-until it wasn't :(
If I had to be honest at this very moment.  I would say between June and December of 2009 I may have utilized my membership 20 times; and really that's generous! 
Well alas, I, with the help of unsaid others; have devised specific plans to lose weight. Well...workout if you will.  Lifestyle committment really.  At this time, I'm actually working on a 12-day physical and spirtual work-out!  I'm on day 3.  Each work-out begins with a mile run, then moves on to 6 different stations working specific areas of the body.  For instance; today I began with my mile run (I could only run 3 laps straight...I had to power walk the last lap.  I'm sorry but I'm out of shape for real, for real).  I then moved into a light stretch and then for an hour I get my pick from a pre-made list of 3 different excerises for my arms and 3 different excerises for my shoulders.  (Yesterday I did; jump rope, lunges, and mountain climbing)
Throughout the 12 days I am supposed to not eat beef or pork (well that's really not that hard, considering my favorite food is seafood!  I could easily be some type of vegetarian lol; although I did eat some roast on the first day EGAD!! Don't say anything!), drink at least 8 bottles of water (now's where it gets difficult , because I loathe water.  I just can't drink it for some strange reason!), eat at least two peices of fruit of my choice (yum) and pray or read/recite scripture in between each station of workout! (yeah, prayer comes in real handy when I feel like I'm losing my breathe and needing to lay out in between these darn excersises, so thats' right up my alley!!) Thank God!!
In all honesty though, I've felt good about the workout!  I haven't been excrusciatingly sore, like I imagined.  I feel good and my body is beginning to seem alittle trimmer.  I can't fit into a 0 yet, these ding dang on thighs just won't let me BE, but I am fitting comfortably back into a 2.  It doesn't take me long!  I've even been told the dimples in my cheeks are starting to take form again LOL!  Sad, but true!   So I'll post before and after pics once the 12 days are up (that's contingent on the fact that I actually last....aaaaaannnnnd lose the weight!!)
Wish me luck!!

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