Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ode to Summer '08

This blog happens to be inspired from my dear friend Kym.

The summer has come to an end. Inevitably it was due. Because my main profession is a teacher...it is my years thrill to enjoy summers!!!

Summer 2008 was awesome! It began with some slight down time...I attended two of my linesisters weddings at the beginning of June and then I was off to South Beach, Florida!! I had the best time with some of my old highschool friends...it was something like a reunion since, now; in our careers, we hardly get to vacation with one another. We stay'd on Ocean drive just feet away from the Versace Mansion, lounged on the beach by day taking in the atlantic ocean, ate crablegs at every outdoor patio resturant we could find, drank daquiries, mimosas' and mixed drinks from the time we woke up to the time we fell asleep, ate breakfast at 4:00am around the time we went to bed...popped bottles at the hottest nightclubs of the night, danced in the night air and had twilight conversations...

Industry mixers were next in the lineup...american woman in radio and television, all white-parties, wine and food tastings, and my ever fascinating Monday Happy Hours! Scattegories, watermelon vodka and cranapple juice on ice or red wine...whichever my taste buds called for, Taylor's

Summer Camp...I never went as a child always wanted to go and I went as an adult and got paid to be there! horseback riding, boating, jet skis, slides, mango tango, teenage mutant ninja turtle, high school musical, pasta alfredo

Next on the summer line up was brunches, shopping and Viva Las Vegas!! Golden nugget, all-u-can eat buffets and open bars, underwater aquarium water slides, poinsettas, downtown, dueces, sights, sounds, 40/40, playboy, popping bottles, moet and chandon, the man of the hour

Close to the end came the start of birthday celebrations, of old and new, jumping toys, pig tails, barbie doll house, disney princess' aged fine as wine

Last but not least came partying with a purpose; those near and dear know just what I mean in fact they benefit as well....

In a nutshell summer was the BEST! I couldn't have asked for a better one...I only pray there are more summers this fantabulous in my near and dear future!!

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