Saturday, February 13, 2021

Black History Month...and attire

 I love the month of February! 

My baby girl was born in this month 💕 

There’s Valentine’s Day ♥️ 

And if that wasn’t’s Black History Month! 

For me; I am Black History in the making BUT I enjoy the specific celebration, acknowledgement, and festivities surrounding the culture of, not only who, but where most if not all, come from! Usually church has a special recognition day set aside for African attire , my sorority meeting usually sets aside a day, my job even usually sets aside days to wear the attire and I, me...I ALWAYS forget to go and get something to wear! Go figure. So I only get to view the beautiful attire and admire the African fashions, colors and patterns. 

This year though...2021...thanks to quarantine I actually had TIME to remember the smallest details of things and then special thanks to social media; I wasn’t limited on where I could shop or find the attire! 

So here’s my celebration of Black History AND attire:

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